Ciao everyone, hope you're all having a great weekend, mine is going good!! Cooking, grocery shopping, cleaning, visiting mom. Poor thing she hasn't been well these days so I've been running some errands for her and mostly helping her out at home and keeping her company more than usual. She deserves it, Nonna Carmen is always spoiling us, she loves her grandsons (my boys) to bits, spoils them all the time, baking for them and giving them gifts, normal nonna things :)), she's one in a million, great mom and nonna. She has travelled the world, Argentina (where she and my dad were married and also where I was born in huhumm... 1959), we lived in Canada for 20 years, where my brother and I grew up, Hamilton, Ontario, to be exact! she's also been to the USA many times to visit her brothers during the summer holidays, we'd go to Jersey City, NJ where my mom's brothers and their families lived, I know, you're probably going, wow!! These guys have travelled, and you're right, but I wouldn't have had any other way!! Mine is a long story, sometimes I tell my kids and husband, I feel I've lived many!! But I'll tell you that story another time, now I've got to run, ya it's almost that time of day, dinner time, and my son is returning from Rome today after a week's visit w/his uncles, aunts and nonna Ada (my hubbie's mom). Catch you all later and have a great weekend!! Love, 80sblingirl<iframe src="//" width="500" height="281" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
In the meantime here's a video of my Hometown, where I grew up and miss so much, enjoy!!!